Meet Your Energy Avatar

17 mrt 2012
18 mrt 2012

For people who haven't yet experienced the life-sized blue whale at Mediamatic FABRIEK, this weekend offers a special opportunity to meet the beautiful beast. In the dark space the artists will guide you through the luminescent whale.


10-03-2012 Elektroluminescerende blauwe vinvis - New Order - New Order, georganiseerd door Mediamatic, is een serie tentoonstellingen waarin onderzoek wordt gedaan naar een wereld waar energie een fundamenteel principe is geworden van onze maatschappij. We hadden ooit een zeer directe relatie met ons energieverbruik, zoals bij de meeste dieren tegenwoordig was het direct gerelateerd aan onze stofwisseling. Tijdens het slapen hebben we ongeveer 90 watt energie nodig om te 'rennen', om in de Amazone te blijven bestaan, omdat een jager-verzamelaar ongeveer… Simone Schoutens

Meet Your Energy Avatar

Life on Earth 21st century: Are you sure you are really just a human being? Then what is that halo of energy hovering above you, with a size of a blue whale? Do you want meet him? Do you want to meet the animal you really are, based on your actual energy consumption? Meet Your Energy Avatar is an installation by architect Rory Hyde (AUS/NL) and artist Katja Novitskova (EE/NL) of a full-sized electroluminescent blue whale, the largest animal ever lived. Find out more on Meet Your Energy Avatar here.

New Order

Meet Your Energy Avatar is the second installment of the New Order exhibition. New Order explores a world in which energy has become a fundamental principle of our society. Five consecutive solo shows feature new works by Dutch and international artists, designers and architects, each responding to various elements of society - such as politics, economy, health, food and experience - which together combine to outline a complete future world. Click here to read more about New Order.

More information

The special viewings of Meet Your Energy Avatar, with guided tours by Rory Hyde and Katja Novitskova, took place on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 March, from 19.00 to 22.00. Meet Your Energy Avatar will be on view every Saturday and Sunday until June 1st. For opening times, see the current event on the New Order event page. Entrance fee is €5,- for a New Order passe-partout.
Mediamatic Fabriek is situated at VOC-kade on the Oostenburgereiland. Visit this page for directions.

New Order is made possible by Mondriaan Stichting, Ministerie van OCW, Gemeente Amsterdam, SNS Reaal Fonds and Stadgenoot.