
How to refund for a Mediamatic event or ETEN reservation

Before you agree to refund, always check the cancellation terms and conditions. If these terms and conditions ever change, this is the page that needs to be updated. Guests agree to this policy when they purchase a ticket to any Mediamatic event or to Mediamatic ETEN. Always refer to this page if a participant has questions concerning this. If the guest is eligible for a refund, this is how you issue it.

Refund in Stager

If the ticket has been purchased after July 1st 2021, it is possible to refund participants through Stager, via the Adyen payment service.

To refund a participant on Stager, do as following:

  1. Go to the event on Stager.
  2. Click on 'Tickets', then 'Quick Links', then 'Ticket Management'
  3. First, block the ticket(s) you have to refund: select the ticket on the left, then click on 'Actions' (at the bottom right), then 'Block'. It is important to block the ticket in order to leave a spot open if someone else wants to book a ticket for the event.
  4. Once the ticket is blocked, go back to 'Ticket Management' and select the ticket again. Click on 'Actions' and then 'Refund and Block'.
  5. Click on 'Automatically by Stager' and 'Including service fee'
  6. Confirm

Old refund system

In the case that the ticket was bought before 1st of July 2021, we cannot refund through Stager. For these tickets, you can used the following system that was in place: 

  1. Request the participant’s name on the bank account and IBAN. 
  2. Once you receive these details, fill them in the correct refund sheet. This is the program refund sheet (workshops, NFD, Odorama etc.). This is the ETEN refund sheet.  
  3. Remind Jans at least once a week to check the refund sheet.
  4. Notify participant that the refund is on its way.