Girl Geek Dinner Utrecht

GGD is a social event for women, where a woman, kicking-ass in her field, gives an informal talk describing herself and her work.
The Girl Geek Dinner is a social event for women, where a woman, kicking-ass in her field, gives an informal talk describing herself and her work.

Speaker will be Marianne van den Boomen. Marianne (1995) works as a teacher-researcher at the department of cultural sciences of Utrecht University, where she teaches New Media and Digital Culture. Earlier she has worked as an internet consultant for the Groene Amsterdammer magazine, Infodrome and the International information center and archive for the womens movement. Currently she is a member of the commission for e-culture the Dutch Board of Culture.

Entry: € 12.50. Please register for the dinner at the Girl Geek Dinner website (


ggd.png - SETUP Utrecht