Qaqqaq Akisuarpoq

work in progress

15 Nis 2010
15 Nis 2010

"The mountain threw back the echo", the beginning of an Inuit story and the beginning of our trail...
A performance by Melanie Bonajo and Joseph Marzolla.
From 9 - 10 pm

After 10 pm Freedom Forest performance by The Wolf, Death and the Acorn.


Isuma - Joseph Marzolla

Quaqqaq Akisuarpoq: A Sound / Video / Mountain Performance

A long time ago our world was different from the way we see it today. There were fewer people and they lived closer to the land. These people knew the language of rain, the crops and the animals and the great unknown force behind the things. They were aware that life is sacred. In this time there was balance.
Then something happened, people don't really know what, people start to forget. In there forgetting they began to feel separated, separated from the earth, from each other, from the sky and even from the mystical knowledge that created them.

2 performers | 40 minutes | 9.00 pm

Be on time! During the performance the doors will be closed (from 9 till 10 pm)

Freedom Forest by The Wolf, Death and the Acorn

"Descending into the violet abyss we declare our allegiance to the Great Auspicion. With fluttering drums we invoke the energies of the elements Fire, Water, Air, Earth and the primordial Akasha. Singing praise to liberty amongst the mighty oaks of Freedom Forest."

7 performers | around 30 minutes | 10.15 pm

Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68, Amsterdam. Free entrance.