
Stealing Minutes Back / Sacred City

Teaser screening, interactive installation and intergalactic performance

21 Eyl 2020

Stealing Minutes Back/ Sacred City is a part-documentary part-interpretive project focusing on the booming ‘Conscious Scene’ and ‘Conscious Communities’ in Amsterdam, which are centered around such venues as Mahara, Odessa, Club Lite, The White House, De Tempel, Home of Gaia, The Oracle of Zee, Rasalila, De Sauna Karavaan, The Conscious Club and Landjuweel and Natural High Festivals at Ruigoord, to name but a few.

In this project Maia Lyon Daw's intention is to get behind the scenes and attempt to unearth the emerging spiritual practices of (especially) the artists involved in these communities, their personal mythologies, their views on the nature of reality and contrast that against the backdrop of a society only recently untethered from a strong Calvinist Protestant tradition.

Join us for a teaser screening, interactive installation, and intergalactic performance on the 21st of September.

RSVP / Facebook


Installation shot -

The red thread in this project is the underlying thesis: Stealing Minutes refers to the way in which our global digital age and capitalist yearnings literally steal our minutes, with our time as a commodity to be exploited, with our endless scrolling slowly eating away our focus and energy with very little left to show for it at the end of the day. 'Stealing Minutes Back' is an interpretation of the way in which there is a growing movement of people subtly revolting by spending their minutes engaged in (what are understood to be) spiritually nourishing activities. These include kirtans and devotional singing events, cacao ceremonies, ecstatic dance, yoga and qi gong, meditation, sound healing ceremonies, drum circles, shamanic journeys, new age workshops of various kinds, saunas and sweat lodges, ayahuasca ceremonies, moon rituals, etc. 'Sacred City' (the other working title) refers to the popularity of immanentist and animistic spiritual ideas infiltrating the personal mythologies of the members of these communities. Prevalent ideas include living in ‘5d’ (‘fifth density’, loosely interpreted to be a kind of ‘awakened’ state); experiencing the Earth as ‘Gaia’, a living, breathing entity; and the idea of being a 'Starseed', a reincarnated being (or channeler of beings) from other star systems in our galaxy.

With the ultimate aim of compiling a fully-fledged documentary film, this event will initially introduce you to the various voices involved through an interactive augmented reality installation in which you will be able to listen to the participants' interviews about their spiritual practices, sacred experiential realms, and unusual ideas about the nature of reality. You will also be invited to join a screening of guided meditation to build your twelfth-dimensional platinum shield whilst sending your Merkabah star to Andromeda. Further to this, the intergalactic artist collective FUFU will perform an equinox ritual to invoke Pleiadian, Orionite, Sirian, Lyran, Andromedan, Vegan, and Arcturian influences.


Stealing Minutes Back / Sacred City
Monday, the 21st of September
Start 19:00
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam

Free Entrance / RSVP