DamoClash crisis festival

get down with the stock exchange!

23 Mayıs 2009
  • 4:00 -16:00
  • ADM
  • Hornweg 6 / West Havens, Amsterdam
  • By
  • ADM

After several festivals at a.o. Afrika, OT301 and the Stubnitz, DamoClash got back together with some old friends to celebrate the succes of the capitalist system! With fluctuating beer prices, burning banks, our own crisis management and money-printing on demand we will try to create our own monetary society.

This time the squatted ADM will be the place where the festivities will take place. On its huge terrain at the Western Docks, filled with creative minds who have been living there since 1997, an old fashioned explosion of music, poetry, installations, film and theater will see the light of day and the dark of night.

Although our program is never static or certain in any sense, there is a preliminary list of artists at www.damoclash.nl

And do not forget: You are DamoClash too! So bring your paint-bombs, bad poetry and godforsaken ideals and spread them around at will amongst the visitors! Jump on the open stage, run around like a bunny or give a speech on the relevance of Emma Goldman in todays society! ... or just dress up as a short-seller...

If you want to help upfront or have some special performance, contact us on the website or via email (info@damoclash.nl). See you there and then!

the Damo- and ADM-Crew


banner.jpg - Shailoh Phillips