Ignite Amsterdam 27

12 presentations x 5 minutes

24 Nis 2013

From erasing memories and managing water to eternal life and the perfect found-picture. This month we travel from Utrecht to Utopia in our quest to bring you the brightest ideas. Join us at 19:00 for dinner. Five home cooks will serve you the best their kitchens have to offer. Surinamese noodles, moussaka, root veggies and more. At 20:30 the first speaker kicks off. Be on time for dinner to secure your favorite meal!


Desert at Ignite Amsterdam 27 - Erik Diekstra


Ignite is run by locals, for locals. Fast-paced and merciless, speakers get five minutes to present, making use of twenty slides that auto-advance every fifteen seconds. All presentations are given in English.


Marijn Kroes

Erasing memory has become a scientific reality. How this is possible, and the importance for the treatment of psychiatric traumas will be explained by Marijn (PhD, Donders Institute Nijmegen).

Telmo Pieper & Miel Krutzmann

Telmo and Miel work together as TELMO MIEL, muralists and imagemakers whose practice is a combination of realism, abstract painting and surrealism.

Peter van der Es & Boris de Beijer

Last month the first art fair by and for young artists in Amsterdam took place: Unfair Amsterdam. With us tonight one of Unfair's founders, Peter.

David Zetland

David self-published The End of Abundance: Economic Solutions To Water Scarcity in 2011. This talk provides the first public preview of the better, faster, stronger second edition he is currently writing.

Tijmen van Dijk

Photographer Tijmen finds film, develops it, and posts the footage to ifoundyourfilm.tumblr.com. Hear more about his findings, and find out about his own work.

Daan Paans

Daan is a documentary photographer. In Letters from Utopia he researches organisations and parties that try to extend the average lifespan - sometimes to the extent of eternity. Thanks to a successful VoordeKunst-campaign, this research will result in a book.


Shot of Fragmented - An installation by Wijnand Veneberg. Fragmented is an interactive installation in which the spectator becomes the screen. When entering the installation you silhouette is detected by a Kinect camera. Images set in a database of avatars are continually being projected on your silhouette. Surrounded by walls of mirrors you seem to be floating in an infinite space. You become a virtual body, a body in process, a pastiche and copy of many different identities and a surface appearance in which the… Wijnand Veneberg

Cornelia Dinca

Sustainable Amsterdam is an online platform that makes it easy for people working on, or interested in, sustainable projects to meet, exchange ideas, and collaborate. SA also organizes tours and lectures exploring what makes Amsterdam sustainable. Find out more from founder Cornelia.

Wijnand Veneberg

Wijnand is interested in interactive narratives. That is: researching the placement of people and art in time and space. He'll show a selection of his work tonight.


Dr. Chein - Dr. Chein is een van de onderwerpen van Daan Paans' project Letters from Utopia. Chein doet al 20 jaar onderzoek in telomerase- en hormoontherapie. Hij gebruikt zijn eigen lichaam hiervoor als testpersoon. Hij had onlangs zijn biologische leeftijd laten meten, die 32 bleek te zijn. De man was eigenlijk net 65 geworden.

Rachal Cox

In her own words, Rachal is coming to present something that "serves no greater purpose". How would you finish this sentence? "There is no better feeling in the world than...".

Andrea Sossi and Robert Bochove

Over the last few months, Andrea and Robert have been part of the favelous team working on building a restaurant from scratch in the Freezing Favela. Together with architect Christoph Tönges they designed and built the food court structure from bamboo. Now it's time to get cooking.


Bezoekers tijdens de Kamasutrabeurs - Op de Kamasutrabeurs in Utrecht. Twee oudere mannen staan voor het podium. Foto/copyright: Martijn van de Griendt Martijn van de Griendt

Sarah van den Bosch

Sarah is one-fourth of Pindakaas.tv, an online platform that aims to make art accessible for primary-, middle- and high school students. Pindakaas.tv is run by four AHK-students. 

Martijn van de Griendt

Eight years Martijn visited the Kamasutra Beurs, the Netherlands' favorite erotic lifestyle fair, and documented the weird and wonderful people he encountered. These photographs resulted in the book VOOR JOU XXX STELLA.


Unfair in de Parool - Jonge kunstenaars vieren talent. Artikel van Jan Pieter Ekker in de Parool van 14 maart over Unfair Amsterdam.


Natasja Kilerciyan - Surinamese noodles with atjar, long beans and chicken sate (€ 6,50)
Joyce Bergsma - Salad box with curry-roasted root vegetables with chickpeas on a bed of bulgar wheat, mixed lettuce and hummus, raw beet and ginger salad and homemade crackers (€ 6,50)
Carlos Portela - Coconut-lentil soup (€ 4,00)
Dina Roussou - Moussaka served with green salad with a feta dressing (€ 7,00)

Desert by Nikita Gerritsen - Chocolate Guinnes cake and lemon cheese cake (€2,00), banana bread (€ 1,50), Snickers cookies and chocolate chip cookies (€ 0,50)

More information

Presale tickets until 2pm on the day of the event are €6,- (including a 4-week Club Mediamatic membership), then they go up to €8,-. A Club Mediamatic membership gives you free access to our exhibition and discounts on events. Meals are between €4,- and €7,-. Location: Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC kade 10, Oostenburg Amsterdam. Doors open at 19:00. Dinner is served until 20:30, then the first speaker kicks off. Free for Subbacultcha members.

Made possible by:

Gemeente Amsterdam