The Mediamatic Social RFID Hacker Camp explores various recent technologies like RFID, physical computing and social networking but also looks into aspects of interaction design and interactive processes. The aim of the Hacker Camp is to realize engaging interactive installations, wearables, spaces and places for the visitors of PICNIC to play with.
Go to 'Play with your Tag' at PICNIC09

Installations Hacker Camp '09
Social RFID experiments
An overview of all Hacker Camp installations made at PICNIC 2009. The will be presented during Play with your Tag at PICNIC (23 – 25 September 2009).
Social RFID Hacker Camp ’09
Hacker Camp Blog ’09
How's life at the Hacker Camp? Follow the day-to-day stories of marvelous bloggers Jonnet M. and Rosa Menkman.
Hacker Camp '09 Photos
An overview of all the photo's made at Hacker Camp '09.
Social RFID Hacker Camp ’09
Hacker Camp Forum ’09
This is the Hacker Camp forum. The team and trainers can discuss general topics, issues and technical questions here. Also fun stuff and interesting links can be posted here. The forum is open to...
workshop: Westergasfabriek
Social RFID Hacker Camp ’09
18Sep 200922Sep 2009The Mediamatic Social RFID Hacker Camp explores various recent technologies like RFID, physical computing and social networking but also looks into aspects of interaction design and interactive...
Social RFID video's
Interviews with the makers of the brand new Social RFID projects of PICNIC09 and their projects in action during PICNIC09.