Come to Mediamatic to have a talk with an artist in our restaurant by the water! Learn more about their work or talk about your project with the artist who inspires you. Wouter Osterholt ( Deep Time Agency ) is open to creative consultation and discussing ideas.
We know that we need to start listening to nature. But communication with the rest of the ecosystem has proven itself difficult. Artist Anne Hofstra has build an Artificial Language Model to see what happens when we try to let AI speak for nature. How does that work? What does it look like?
Come to Mediamatic to have a talk with an artist in our restaurant by the water! Learn more about their work or talk about your project with the artist who inspires you. Anne Hofstra is open to creative consultation and discussing ideas.
We joined #MakeSocialsSocialAgain initiative and take the step towards a better digital world. Commercial platforms have monopolized our time, data, and connections for too long. It is time for change. It is time for SocialSocials!
Masochism, we associate it with shady SM practices and yes we will not avoid that topic, but we will also discover masochism in our daily lives. Masochim is shortly the enjoinment of pain. For instance why do we enjoy eating pepper? Or what is so attractive about sparkling water? It hurts!
Humans are not able to control everything. In this workshop, the participants will experience the philosophy of kintsugi, which embraces the flawed or imperfect. They will practice to accept the way things are and letting go of control. How? By ritually breaking dishes and glueing them together…