To understand the difference between antiviral and antibacterial plant properties, it is necessary to understand the distinction between a bacterium and a virus. While bacteria have their own cell wall and can reproduce on their own, viruses need a host cell to replicate themselves. This means that when your body has a viral infection, a virus has invaded your cells. Instead of killing the pathogens as antibacterial herbs do, antiviral herbs can fight a virus by attaching to the affected cell walls and thereby prevent the virus from spreading. But this is just one of several ways to make use of antiviral or antibacterial herbs. One can also use herbs to prevent viral or bacterial infections by boosting your immune system, treating symptoms or shortening the recovery process.

Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Apium graveolens rapaceum
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Scarlet Pimpernel
Anagallis arvensis
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Carex sylvatica
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Summer Savory
Satureja hortensis
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Morus alba
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Achillea ptarmica
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Erigeron canadensis
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Blue Sage
Salvia azurea
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The green gold
Celebrating our Wasabi's 2nd birthday
After some cold and rainy months in aquaponics, we were overjoyed to see the first aquaponics plant in bloom. This early bloomer has got to be a bit of a diva, as most plants are not showing any...
Black Mondo Grass
Ophiopogon planiscapus
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Find more about this plant on Wikipedia .
Dead Nettle
Lamium purpureum
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Dogs Mercury
Mercurialis perennis
A tricky plant
Musk Mallow
Malva Moschata
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Red Sage
Salvia miltiorrhiza
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Japanese sweet flag
Acorus gramineus
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Wasabia japonica
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Star Gentian
Gentiana cruciata
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Tellima grandiflora
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Pink rock-rose
Cistus creticus
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Wild strawberry
Fragaria vesca
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Garden mint / Spearmint
Mentha spicata
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Knowledge Page Alix Briere
Hortus Dijkspark Knowledge
What is the Hortus Dijkspark project?
This project is used to keep tract of the extensive list of plants we have growing here at Mediamatic. We tract their growing location (see 'Hortus Map'), some general plant information such as their...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Hortus Dijkspark
1أيار / مايو 20181أيار / مايو 2028Rondom onze Biotoop groeit een grote verscheidenheid aan planten, van genezend tot giftig, van donkergroen tot paars. Je kunt Hortus Dijkspark op elk moment bezoeken. Klik hier om meer te weten te...