Cardiovascular diseases are a group of conditions that involve the heart or blood vessels. They are the number one cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. A number of plants are proven to have a general positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Adding specific herbs and spices to your diet can lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke by reducing the production of plaque that may clog the arteries. Especially a spicy diet including chilli peppers or garlic can lower the blood pressure and boost your heart health.

Chocolate mint
Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Chocolate'
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Apium graveolens rapaceum
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Carex sylvatica
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Morus alba
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Achillea ptarmica
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Blue Sage
Salvia azurea
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Purple Nightshade
Solanum xanti
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Let's discover more about this sweet companion!
Red Sage
Salvia miltiorrhiza
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Japanese sweet flag
Acorus gramineus
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Wasabia japonica
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Fern Parsley
Cryptogramma crispa
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Large-flowered tickseed
Coreopsis lamarcka
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Pink rock-rose
Cistus creticus
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Wild strawberry
Fragaria vesca
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Knowledge Page Alix Briere
Hortus Dijkspark Knowledge
What is the Hortus Dijkspark project?
This project is used to keep tract of the extensive list of plants we have growing here at Mediamatic. We tract their growing location (see 'Hortus Map'), some general plant information such as their...
A closer look at phytoestrogens in Fennel
Foeniculum vulgare and the female reproductive system
Introduction: The blogpost takes a more scientific perspective on the topic of Fennel and its medicinal properties by answering these main questions: what is the role of phytoestrogen in the body
Scotch Broom
Cytisus scoparius
Carthamus tinctorius
Purple loosestrife
Lythrum salicaria
Black Cohosh
Actaea racemosa
This plant has been traditionally used to relieve menstrually related headaches. It was a favorite herb of the native North Americans and Eclectic physicians for amenorrhea, the absence of...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Hortus Dijkspark
1أيار / مايو 20181أيار / مايو 2028Rondom onze Biotoop groeit een grote verscheidenheid aan planten, van genezend tot giftig, van donkergroen tot paars. Je kunt Hortus Dijkspark op elk moment bezoeken. Klik hier om meer te weten te...
Bixa orellana
Find this plant on Wikipedia . Also known as Uruku, Rukum Roucou, Achiote and more.
Momordica charantia
Find more about this plant on Wikipedia .