In her research Justitia, the People's Power and Mother Earth, Burgers examines the tension between environmental interests and democracy that judges in climate cases may face: on the one hand, there is international consensus on the need to take measures to combat climate change, but at the same time such measures appear unpopular and therefore difficult to achieve through democratic means. The question arises as to what extent the courts should intervene and stand up for the interests of animals, natural areas and future generations. Using political theory on deliberative democracy and on environmental ethics, Burgers attempts to develop guidelines for judges operating within the frameworks of European private law.

Image: HUMAN (Humanistische Omroep)
Portret Laura Burgers
Stil uit de Brainwashtalk van Laura Burgers. ' Wat als we niet alleen mensen, maar ook dieren, planten en zeeën rechten zouden geven? Jurist en schrijver Laura Burgers over een idee dat even...