Auguste Macenaite

Odorama Online

We are very glad that you have decided to join us for the online Odorama event! To make sure that you have the best online experience, here are some tips:


Visitors smelling the smell sample -

With: Sabina Sancu
  1. Make sure you have an Instagram account (!!)
  2. Pick a private place with good internet connection
  3. Decide on what screen you would like to watch the online event: computer or smartphone
  4. Make sure your audio is working. Use headphones if you are in a crowded place
  5. Have scissors and your Odorama sample kit (the one that you have received by mail) nearby

    Sample Kits for Odorama 40: Odor Ludens - Abbie Moran

  6. Make yourself comfortable! If you want, prepare a drink
  7. At 20.00 the online event will start. Open the Mediamatic Instagram page and press on the round Mediamatic Icon to start viewing stories

    Online odorama screenshot -

  8. If the connection is lost, or a new section of the online event is started, refresh, and repeat the previous step.
  9. Interact! You can post comments and questions during the event. Guest speakers will address them and you can have a little discussion online. Just like in the physical event!
  10. Enjoy! Relax, grab friends and family, and get ready to experience new and exciting senses!


If you missed something, or you would like to watch the event again, it will be saved. You can find it on the Mediamatic Instagram under “IGTV” or an edited version of the online event a few days after on the Mediamatic YouTube.