
nKA - Ica / Belgrade

Nezavisna kulturna asocijacija / Independent Cultural Association

nKA/ICA as independent and non profit association of professionally trained art historians and curators whose mission is oriented towards organisation of cultural events, exhibitions, lectures.

With it’s activity nKA / ICA is:
1) Promoting intercultural strategies
2) Developing border-crossing connections between local, regional, European and global cultural context
3) Structuring innovative dimensions of artistic presentations and experimental curating
4) Upgrading levels of local cultural policy
5) Opening new channels of communication and collaboration between public and private structures operating currently in cultural and social field.

The main activities of NKA / ICA organisation are concentrated on the curating and organisation of several types of cultural events: exhibitions, art presentations in the public space, seminars and conferences, workshops for emerging generations of artists. This activities are orientated towards practices that goes beyond traditional frameworks of art presentations, that are interdisciplinary, inter-medial and inclined towards expansion and enlargement of artistic branches and fields of study. Therefore we might consider our activity as unconventionally educational and didactic when we are working with young artists and art students and innovative when working with professional artists and curators. This activity should lead to the establishing of new interdisciplinary and multicultural institute of arts in the future.


rp1-human-plateau.jpg - Plateau - Real Presence, Belgrade 2001 Dobrila Denegri


rp1-boat2.jpg - "Boat to Belgrade", Leopold Kessler, Henning Hennekemper, Werner Skvara, Alexander Doring, for "Real Presence - Generation 2001" Dobrila Denegri


rp1 mihoko-ogaki.jpg - "From Light to The Light", Mihoko Ogaki for "Real Presence 2001", Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade Dobrila Denegri


rp2 ghof-picknick.jpg - "Pick-nick" for Gasthof, Frankfurt, 2002 Dobrila Denegri


rp2 bg-unweather.jpg - "Unweather" project for "Real Presence 2002", Belgrade Dobrila Denegri


Immagine47a.jpg - Real Presence, opening of the final exhibition, ex-Tito's Museum, Belgrade, 2003 Dobrila Denegri


workshop 05.JPG - Real Presence workshop, Museum of History of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 2003 Dobrila Denegri


rp5 v clandestini 3.jpg - "Clandestini", performance for "Real Presence - floating Sites" @ Venice Biennial 2005 Dobrila Denegri


rp5-v-adrian.jpg - "Prototype for Shoes for Walking on the Water", Adrien Tirtiaux for "Real Presence - Floating Sites", Venice, 2005 Dobrila Denegri


rp7-i-istanbul-modern.jpg - "Real Presence - Floating Sites", Istanbul Modern for X Istanbul Biennial, 2007 Dobrila Denegri

Contact information

  • nKA - Ica / Belgrade
  • Dr. Ivana Ribara 113
  • 11070
  • New Belgrade
  • YU