project: Dikra Creations


The text says; Respect and you will be respected

Arabic Digi Art on canvas.
More of these designs;


Respect.jpg -

It's a product which should be sailed by Hema because Hema would be the first in the world! They fit in the concept of not expensive, good quality and unique. They send a positive message which can be understood in any culture.

The Arabic fonts and patterns.

Everyone who likes the beauty of the Arabic fonts.

I came up with this idea when I was looking for an Arabic painting for my house. I wanted something modern with traditional Arabic fonts. Something colorful and not too expensive. After searching in stores and on the web I found nothing I really liked. Then I started to make some design by myself. Friends and family were very enthusiastic about my work. This was my drive to start making these paintings.

I need much more help with my promotion.
Dikra Creations is the very first graphic art company which specialises in Arabic Digi Art on Canvas. Its a whole new product. So people are not that familiar with it.
So I need to advertise on the right websites and magazines. And this costs a lot of money.

A good PC (workstation) who can handle heavy graphic art.
There are various techniques to design.
The Art work is printed on canvas.