June 27th, 1pm: demonstration in The Hague

Against the arts and culture budget cuts

Profits from the cuts will be very limited, the damages will be tremendous. June 27th the House of Representatives decided on the pending cuts for arts and culture. The Malieveld (near The Hague Central Station) was filled with an estimated 7000 to 10000 protesters. At 3.30pm the demonstration moved to the Binnenhof.


Waar krijgen Henk en Ingrid nu pianoles? - Deelnemers aan de Mars der Beschaving op zondag 26 juni. Gemaakt door Jochem Jurgens, gevonden op Flickr. Jochem Jurgens

Read more about the Mars der Beschaving (March of Civilization) here, or have a look at the full overview of activities on Schadekaart.nl.