1 Oca 2004

Korsakow Workshop Cinedans 2004

a post workshop report

What happens when you live in and for a Korsakow project?


Cinedans workshop -


participants at Cinedans workshop -


Participants at Cinedans workshop -


notes at Cinedans workshop -

The one thing the nine completely unique people taking part in the Cinedans Korsakow workshop had in common was their interest in movement. Some were dancers, some choreographers, and some filmmakers, and this mix resulted in the highest percentage of computer fearing participants we've had in quite some time. Their choice to focus on dance instead of on the daily things we find so common in life, such as ipods and the ctrl button, created the space in which they reinvented the usage of the korsakow tool to suit their own dancer's needs.


participant at Cinedans workshop -


Arjen at workshop Cinedans -


workshop Cinedans -

Forgetting about narratives and story lines, they focused attention on motion and image. This made them think about things that for them were self evident, but for us were innovative.


motion and image at Cinedans workshop -


motion and image at Cinedans workshop -


workshop Cinedans -

They used preview movies as questions in movement, and focused on mood and atmosphere instead of direct user involvement. They made projects in which the user does not always know exactly what is going on, but is given the possibility to dance and choreograph and lose himself in the moment. If I remember their wording correctly, they were busy making mood pieces .


workshop Cinedans -

Of course these new projects did not come into existence without a struggle. Years of working with innovative software rusts even the most inventive into a repetitive thinking pattern, and for the trainers it was difficult to accept a finished project with no narrative or dialogue. But once visitors from outside the workshop started voicing their appreciation for the projects as were, being beautiful without any message, the trainers had to accept the choices the participants made. Even if the choices weren't completely conscious, they had good results.


participant at Cinedans workshop -

And really, in the end, it is only about entertainment.
