Anisa Xhomaqi, Pavèl van Houten
All rights reserved
608 x 480 İndir

17-11-2016 Stofpluizen - Taken at the window at Mediamatic ETEN

17 November - 01 December 2016. What does dust actually consist of? An accumlulation of human and animal cells, ashes, hair, soot, mold, fibers, pollen? Artist Pavèl van Houten sees value the non-valuable. For his project Stofpluizen he collected and compared the compositions of different "dusts" in Amsterdam in order to find out what lies hidden in our dusty corners. Mediamatic was one of the many locations participating in the project. The dust was collected from the oven, window and wall of our restaurant Mediamatic ETEN. Go here to see one of the samples, displaying what the researches described as a 'mystery' particle.

Where was this made?: