

by Cocky Eek & Kenzo Kusuda

7 Haz 2014
31 Ara 2014

In the Dance laboratory week of Lightness, Dancer Kenzo Kusuda will explore the aerial architecture of Stripe, a large, black and white striped pneumatic piece by Cocky Eek. Through metaplasticity, the piece may become an extension of the dancer and dancing becomes embodied research.


Stripe - Cocky Eek


Sunday June 8th Cocky Eek (artist), Kenzo Kusuda (dance) and Philip Vermeulen (ArtScience Interfaculty) will play with the cymatic properties of Stripe's membranes and surface resonance patterns. The audience is cordially invited to engage in this interplay.
At 16.00 there will be a special performance by Kenzo Kusuda and Gert-Jan Prins.


A tactile approach to research is central to Eek's work. She captures and studies the dynamics of air, pneumatics and airflow by deploying membranes and surfaces. Her approach blends quite naturally with dancer and choreographer Kenzo Kusuda who explores the dynamics and movement of the body in similar ways and in similar depth.

Cocky Eek started experimenting with lightness and flight by building replicas of da Vinci's wings and physically trying them out. Her research showed that the mechanics of flight are alien to our human-body and challenge our neuro-architecture; many participants who tried to fly with her wings were so overwhelmed by the proprioceptive sensation of flight that they vomited. Once overcome, the techniques of steering could be mastered to an impressive level.


In an age where everyone is affected by the weight of society, the overbearing fears of the economy and the heavy hand of government, 'lightness' is the way forward. Let go of the material and celebrate the ethereal with 11 weeks of 'lightness'. Each week Mediamatic invites a new artist to question the meaning of 'lightness'.

More information

The event takes place at Mediamatic, VOC-Kade 10, Amsterdam on the 7th and 8th of June from 13.00 - 18.00. Extra performance Saturday at 20:00.