David Still Surprise party

Cargo-event number 8

9 mrt 2003
  • 13:00 -13:00
  • De Realiteit 23, Almere

A good neighbour is worth more than a distant friend

runs an old Dutch proverb. Cargo has taken this to heart and, on 9 March, will be throwing a surprise party for David Still, the stranger who entered the world via cyberspace about two years ago, when he also became part of De Realiteit. Cargo thinks that virtual personas are just as entitled to a birthday, and is seizing this opportunity to introduce web art to a wider public. Cargo has invited a number of visual artists and curators to contribute to the party – by baking a cake, serenading David or singing his praises. And for all those who have yet to meet him, David will be there, online, to introduce himself.

David would like to thank: Alex Schaub, Deanna Herst, Renée Kool, Yaël Davids, Cees de Boer, Martine Neddam, Hanne Hagenaars, Lisa Holden, André van Bergen, Lia Gieling, Delphine Bedel and Harm van den Berg.

Cargo warmly invites you to this special event, to chat with friends, enjoy cake and musical refreshment, and to get better acquainted with David.

Please notify us if you intend to join the party.

Entrance: 5 euro. The value of your birthday donation is left to your discretion.
More info: www.cargo-zw.net/winter/mrt2003/indexeng.shtml