Cell Sixtythree Artplatform


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Born in Berlin in October 2009, from an idea of the Italian artist Luisa Catucci, Cell63 artplatform is a meeting and working point for artists and designers from the international scene.
Graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, painters, musicians, video makers and performers are working in the space as personal studio and as art collective developing exhibitions, artistic actions, events, presentations and new art concepts.
The space itself was planned so to be easily transformed from a studio to a proper clean place to exhibit, present or host artistic happenings.
Shows are organized with regular frequency and exhibitions can be seen during the openings/events or by appointment.
A selection of original artworks and limited editions prints is always available and can be purchased directly at the platform or online under very convenient artist’s fair-trade price without any withheld commission.
The selection of the art shown in the space is made on the basis of the surrealistic and pop ambience that they represent.
The connection with the world of bizarre, animated by fantastic characters at the borders of a dreamy waking and a realistic nightmare, the relations that bond human beings with the rest of nature and our inner fantastic worlds are in the focus of the artistc research made and shown at the platform. Direction already shown by the number 63 itself, which in the Italian traditional numerology is the number protecting artists and dreamers.
Cell63, your personal window with a view on Wonderland.