Onion Fest

A quarter million onions at the Oostenburgereiland. For free.

30 Mar 2012
1 Nis 2012

The Netherlands are stuck with a big overload of onions. To prevent them from rotting or being trashed, Mediamatic rescues a quarter of a million onions from Jo Flens, a farmer form Texel. In the weekend from March 30 until April 1 you can get unlimited free onions. There is enough for everyone!


Uien Feest . Maart 2012. - Uien lossen op de Oosterburgereilanden voor het Uien Feest Simone Schoutens

Onion Feast

On Friday March 30, 250.000 onions are unloaded in front of Mediamatic Fabriek. From 18.00 there are enough onions to foresee Amsterdam for a weekend in their onion consumption. Take your own bag, backpack or bring your bakfiets. Join us in this feast and grab as many free onions as you can.


Broer van boer showt met trots de uien aan de pers - Uien lossen op Oosterburgereiland voor het Uien Feest Simone Schoutens


Drukte op het Uien Feest - Vele mensen kwamen naar de opening van het Uien Feest op Oostenburgereiland. Simone Schoutens


Gratis uien - Twee meiden laten hun uitgezochte uien zien bij de opening van het Uien Feest. Simone Schoutens

Over Datum Eetclub

Because the worldwide harvest of onions was extraordinary large, Dutch farmers even pay extra to get rid of their onions. On March 23, the average trading value of an onion was between 25 and 75 cents per kilo. The onions that are not sold by the end of March will be put to rot away under the ground. Thats why Over Datum Eetclub rescues about 35.000 kilos of onions from the garbage bin. A third of the food that is produced annually is lost or thrown away. This equates to about 1.3 billion tons per year. Over Datum Eetclub responds to the waste of food. They previously organized a series of dinners where cooks used marginal and discarded food to cook tasty dishes.


Uienrecepten - Gratis uien bij het Uien Feest. Simone Schoutens



30-03-2012 visitors collecting unions - Uien Feest - Free onions at the Onion Festival. 30 March - 1 April 2011 30 March - 1 April 2012. The Netherlands has a large surplus of onions. To prevent them from rotting or being thrown away, Mediamatic saves a quarter of a million onions from Texel farmer Jo Flens. In the weekend from 30 March to 1 April you could pick up unlimited free onions at the VOC quay at the Onion Festival.  Simone Schoutens


Bakfiets - Gratis uien bij het Uien Feest. Simone Schoutens


The Onion Fest opens at Friday March 30 from 18.00-20.00. Different cooks let you taste the best onion dishes from their mobile kitchens. Enjoy a drink, culinary onions dishes, music by DJ Aletro and the band Wasted Years of Pumping Iron. Help the mobile cooks to peel their onions and receive a delicious meal for free. During Saturday and Sunday from 13.00 till 20.00 you are welcome to pick up as many free onions as you like and feast of the onion meals from the mobile cooks. Mediamatic FABRIEK is situated on the Oostenburgereiland in Amsterdam. Visit this page for directions.


Wasted Years Of Pumping Iron - Optreden van Wasted Years Of Pumping Iron, hardcore punkband op het Uien Feest


Opzoek naar de beste uien - Gratis uien bij de opening van het Uien Feest Simone Schoutens

The mobile cooks

Friday: Pepi Mensink, Andrea Sossi and Robert Bochove.
Saturday: Sascha Landshoff, Tinda van Smoorenburg, Andrea Sossi and Robert Bochove.
Sunday: Mario Alfons, Tinda van Smoorenburg, Andrea Sossi and Robert Bochove.


Uienpizza's - Gratis uien bij het Uien Feest. Simone Schoutens



Uien - Gratis uien bij het Uien Feest. Simone Schoutens


Kindje op de grote uienberg - Helpt haar ouders met het zoeken naar de betere uien op het Uien Feest. Simone Schoutens

Over Datum Eetclub is made possible by Mondriaan Stichting, Ministerie van OCW, Gemeente Amsterdam, SNS Reaal Fonds and Stadgenoot.