Stamppot recipe swap

And swap a recipe for our chefs' surprising stamppot

18 Kas 2012

Stamppot (mash pot) is the archetypical Dutch dish. Traditionally it's made with potatoes, leafy greens or cabbages only Dutch people know, and served with sausage. Nowadays, however, due to the welcome influence of other cultures and cuisines, stamppot comes in all sorts and sizes. You could swap traditional, radical or modern recipes, help our chef Jozef peel those potatoes to get some of his stamppot, or trade it for a recipe.


Stamppot snijbiet / knolselderij / aardappel met ei en sucuk - Aardappelen met de knolselderij koken. Snijbiet oogsten, wassen en snijden (deze is uit de Mediamatic Aquaponics kwekerij). Sucuk (turkse knoflookworst) zachtjes uitbakken tot ze knapperig is. Ei meekoken gedurende de laatste 8 minuten. Dan de aardappelen en knolselderij kort stampen. De rauwe snijbiet er overheen; smoren met het vet van de sucuk. Nog een keer kort stampen en dan de worst en het grof gesneden ei er door scheppen. Er hoeft niets bij. De vette sucuk maakt smeuig en levert zout Willem Velthoven

More information

The stamppot recipe swap took place on November 18, from 14.00 to 18.00 at Mediamatic Fabriek. The stamppot was ready at 17.00. You could trade free entrance for a chore like an hour of barkeeping or half an hour of vacuum cleaning. If you wanted to pay with money it was €5,- for a membership including free entrance for a month. Kids half price.

This event took place at Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC-kade 10, Amsterdam. It was part of Ruilen, an exhibition and series of events from October 20 to January 6. Open Wednesday through Sunday, from 13.00 to 18.00.