Go Van Gogh!
A global treasure hunt (sneak preview)
In March 2010, at KJO-4 Overal Vincent won the DOEN pitch. In the meanwhile, the project has been awarded a provisional grant from Stichting DOEN and is ready to go.
Project manager New Media at Kunstgebouw.
In 2009, I co-founded Studio Babel with Annemieke Gerrist. Together with two others, we form a interdisciplinary creative collective. Our studio is located in Kostgewonnen, a former squat that is now a bustling cultural hub in Amsterdam West.
I am an active crew member at the Schijnheilig (a nomadic gallery) and Damoclash (a performing arts festival), both initiatives serving to create space for autonomous cultural events in Amsterdam.
Trained mainly in cultural anthropology, philosophy and cultural analysis, I vowed to cease being a consumer of knowledge. I am a constructive troublemaker, working along the cracks between theory and practice, making music, installations, web-based projects, videos, paintings and texts.
I am passionate about game design, media literacy and open source technology.
- in awe of the ordinary -