The Photo Booth team had some delays waiting for crucial material to arrive. The time was spend usefully fine-tuning and redesigning their project before the actual build. Measuring the most optimal distance for the camera position in the booth for optimal framing is crucial to know before construction.
PICNIC related conferences are already starting downstairs. This means loud building activities have to be relocated or wait till later in the evening to start building... Timo , Einar and Anne descide to work "on location" and build the Photo Booth up in the entrance hall of PICNIC where their project will be located. While Jørn is programming the backside of Photo Booth in the camp. If anyone was wondering if it was buildable, the Photo Booth is drawed out IKEA-style. Well measured ready made parts, quickly to assemble.
They did have some unexpected luck as well. First they found this nice picnic carpet in a container dumpster. It is exactly what they need for their project.
Secondly, the Photo booth designers are swapping skills with programmers Andy, Mika and Erik. The designers will make the enclosure for the lights. The programmers will do the programming part of the Photo Booth. What needs to be done by programmers is also nicely drawn out in a sketch. Red means they need help!
2007-September-22-22.34.11.jpg - A use-case and technical requirements. Red means we need help!
Exit Poll is on schedule. The software is almost done and the parts almost ready. Tomorrow they will be ready to assemble. Andy is making sure the votes read by the RFID reader identify the RFID badge and feed this data into the database. They are however not really sure what more data to input to the database and what to do with it. This still needs some thinking. Mika is doing the programming for the lights and connecting it to arduino. So your vote will make lights stronger, weaker, different according to the number of votes they got. Andy connected three RFID readers representing the voting options for the visitors to the database. “It’s a musical instrument” he says, it bleeps and lights up when a tag is read.
It's a musical instrument - when a RFID tag is read
Andy happy with his glass because it makes such a nice sound, “who00ooAang”
Andy is happy with his acryl glass - “who00ooAang”
Data Traces is prototyped and most of the individual parts are working. The gossip generating coffee table only needs to be assembled in the actual object. A digital prototype can be viewed at Don's blog. Don't forget to scroll down!
Tim is expecting to be finished tonight with the hardware in his Connection Cushion. There are already some things vibrating, sound can be recorded with a hacked Albert Heijn bonus microphone (he got it half price off!).
Nadya and Tim connecting...
The firmware for the Connection Cushion and Racket Reader are constructed by Melanie and Johannes. They are connecting RFID readers with arduino’s for mobile readers.
Tonight at 2.00 hours there were still some teams working on their projects. Tomorrow the projects will be fine-tuned at our new location at Zuiveringshal Oost, also at the Westergasfabriek.