Bits of Freedom
Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays
18Mar 2013Well known in New York, Berlin and San Francisco now also settling in Amsterdam.
Spatial Effects
Make an inflatable
7Feb 2013We visited Theo Botschuijver, a master of inflatables and a maker of dreams. Theo showed us around his studio and explained how to start making an inflatable structure.
Sanne Roijackers
Bij Mediamatic werk ik aan de ontwikkeling van nieuwe tentoonstellingen.
Emily Kocken
visual artist, writer, performer, novels published by Querido Publishers, writing fourth book, her first non fiction book Adoptica, supported by letterenfonds, this will be published in 2025, http:...
Max Peeperkorn
Alles is relatief.
Grafisch Ontwerper, Stichting Mediamatic Student, Koninklijke Academie van de Beeldende Kunsten.
Mr. Georges Tabet
Owner and CEO of Sarabex Suarl
Founder and CEO of Sarabex suarl - Tunisia
Beautiful Money (Art as Currency, Art as…
An article on Money, Art and Value by Sal Randolph
Canvas International Art
Collective Memory
29Jun 20121Sep 2012A two-artist group show of mixed media works by the Beijing based artist collectives TAMEN and UNMASK.
workshop: asharum amonines
Première ‘De Droomreis’ en Shamanistische nacht…
7Jul 20128Jul 2012DE SHAMANISTISCHE NACHT VOOR VROUWEN is een voorspoedritueel, een gelegenheid om de natuurlijke magie van de vrouwencirkel te ervaren in zijn transformatieve resonantie, als een bron van kracht...
Onomatopee project-space
Who told you so?! #1 Truth vs. Government
13Apr 201227أيار / مايو 2012Stories of collectivity vs. individual narrations Who told you so?! is the 2012 Research project year-program featuring four group shows, delivering four chapters of social ambiguity. The truth vs.
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Centraal Museum Utrecht
15Dec 201125Feb 2012Het Gemeentemuseum Den Haag en de Stichting ArtWorlds organiseren de ZomerExpo2012, het vervolg op de succesvolle ZomerExpo2011, de eerste landelijke beeldende kunst tentoonstelling samengesteld...
Just finished my Master Film and Television, looking for a job :)
Lobke van Steenbergen
gemotiveerd, passie, doener, actief, communicatief, flexibel, leergierig, buiten de lijntjes kleuren
Marjolijn Boterenbrood
Marjolijn Boterenbrood is a multidisciplinary artist whose works primarily revolve around the concepts of space and places through sensory impressions. Boterenbrood works through these subjects to...
Fixed gear cycling
Just another postmodern subculture, courtesy of Generation Y?
The fixie subculture lacks the political dimension that characterized subversive subcultures of the past. What is it trying to communicate?