Leger des Heils ReShare
ReShare is een onderdeel van het Leger des Heils. Jaarlijks wordt zo'n 26 miljoen kilo overtollige kleding, huishoudtextiel, en (sport)schoenen ingezameld. Het Leger des Heils is sponsor van de...
Rabia Sitabi
enthusiastic, open-minded, multi-talented, vintage-lover with a napoleon complex.
Don't have any good pics?
Magazine 28 Jun 2007
Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam
This is ZemZem nr. 2/2007 about love and sexuality.
book: 28 Jun 2005
boek voor kleine moslims
Halal en Haram
This is an illustrated children's book for muslims. It touches on subjects like table manners, being grateful and earning money in ways that are in accordance with the Quran.
George Pattinson
A leading British systematic theologian and Anglican priest.
Simon Critchley
An English philosopher currently teaching at The New School. He works in continental philosophy.
Gordon Graham
Professor of Philosophy and the Arts at Princeton University.
book: Steiner, George 1 Jan 1989
Real Presences
Is there anything in what we say?
"Real Presences" argues that any understanding of the nature of language is based on the assumption of God's presence, and discusses the influence of this on literary criticism.
Edwin Abbott
An English schoolmaster and theologian, is best known as the author of the satirical novella Flatland (1884).
book: Robert M. Pirsig 1 Jan 1992
Zen en de kunst van het motoronderhoud
een onderzoek naar waarden
A 1974 philosophical novel, the first of Robert M. Pirsig's texts in which he explores his Metaphysics of Quality. The book sold 5 million copies worldwide.
15Jun 200810Aug 2008Exploring the concepts such as hidden and revealed, visible and invisible, public and private around the on-going contemporary discussions on the veil, the show tries to unfold several differing...
Carry each other
Grandeur in Arnhem
Sonsbeek takes place only once in 7 years. This is even less often than Documenta (although more often than the sculpture project in Muenster). It was clear to us that the whole Dutch art world is...
Joods Historisch Museum
Superhelden en Sjlemielen
21أيار / مايو 20088Jun 2008Het Joods Historisch Museum organiseert van 2008 een tentoonstelling over stripverhalen en beeldromans van joodse stripkunstenaars. De expositie Superhelden en sjlemielen toont de helden en...
Ruud Loeffen
scenario courses in Bruxelles (1986). Teacher in Social Work, Hogeschool Zuyd (1981-now). In 2007 I wrote "De natuur van mensen. De biologische factor in menselijk gedrag". Zie www.human-evolution.nl
Manifestatie tegen racisme, voor solidariteit
22Mar 2008Het is tijd om kleur te bekennen, nu het debat gedomineerd wordt door dagelijkse tirades tegen hele bevolkingsgroepen. Nu Geert Wilders Artikel 1 van de Grondwet wil afschaffen, omdat hij 'wil...
anna sanchez
Lloyd Hotel
Descent From The Cross
22Mar 200830Mar 2008Artists like Rembrandt, Rubens, and Van de Weyden painted this Biblical scene: Christ's body is taken down from the cross. Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy and respected man who was secretly a follower...
Felix Meritis
De seksualisering van de maatschappij
8Mar 2008Iedereen praat over de seksualisering van de maatschappij, maar wat is dat eigenlijk precies? Is alle maatschappelijke opwinding over dit onderwerp terecht? Waar ligt de grens tussen seks en porno?
Kinga Kielczynska
Warsaw <-> Berlin <-> Amsterdam <-> New York
MEDIUMMATIC. Taking the word media in its original meaning: the intervening substance through which impressions are conveyed to the senses, or a force acting upon objects from a distance. Melanie...
Galerie Ferdinand van Dieten- d'Eendt
The Doubling of the House
23Feb 200829Mar 2008Why do we believe our ‘national hero’ Benedict de Spinoza can be read outside the Christian Latin regions? Do we know what the impact is of the translation of Spinoza's Tractatus theologico-politicus...
Connecting Conscious Content Volkskrants Gebouw Reality Portal
Weekend with an Arch Druid
29Feb 20081Mar 2008Soon an Irish real Arch Druid comes to town. Lecture will be held. A chance of a life time. Connecting Wisdom. An Irish Arch Druid visit Amsterdam. Lecture + Reality Portal Screenshots & Exhibition.
Claudia Korpádi
Casting Circles, a continuing Project