Gastarbeider Dating was an exhibition series about identity, feeling at home, being foreign and meeting each other. 7 weeks, 7 countries, 10 artists and the launch of a new Dating site. Curated by Irina Birger and Katja Sokolova.
From 30-01-'08 until 16-03-'08 at Mediamatic. With: Aimee Zito Lema, Kyoko Inatome, Emiko Chujo, Zhana Ivanova, Gil & Moti, Brian McKenna, Sara Rajaei, Irina Birger and Katja Sokolova.

exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Gastarbeider Dating
30Jan 200816Mar 2008Looking for a new friendship, cultural dipping or creative impulse? Curious about other people and cultures? Then Gastarbeider (Immigrant) Dating was something for you! From January 27th to the 16th...
Russian Brides
An International Marriage Agency and Consulting Service by Katja Sokolova and Irina Birger. Learn how to date a Russian Bride, how to make pelmeni and more. From 30-01-'08 until 03-02-'08 at...
Nostalgia and Chaos
Debates, performances and an installation that showed different aspects of contemporary Argentinean cultural production. By Argentinian artist Aimee Zito Lema. From 06-02-'08 to 10-02-'08 at...
Japan, New & Old, In & Out
A “Kotatsu” café installed by Kyoko Inatome and Emiko Chujo, with daily events to inspire cooperation between creatives from Japan, the Netherlands and elsewhere. From 13-02-'08 until 17-02-'08 at...
Room Temperature
Zhana Ivanova made a tribute to her favourite Bulgarian movie, TOPLO (1978). With a casting composed of Bulgarians and exhibition visitors. From 20-02-'08 until 24-02-'08 at Mediamatic, as part of...
Full Belly
A growing presentation fed by Shakshuka and cultural encounters indoors and outdoors. Gil & Moti generated critical discussions on occupying culture, cheap labour and double identity. From 27-02-'08...
Canada, Land of Myths and Media
A collaborative project and installation by Robyn Moody, Brian McKenna, Denton Fredrickson and Kinga Kielczynska. They presented a live evolving audio collage consisting of interviews, commentary
Spring Cleaning
Sara Rajaei invited a group of artists and asked them how they related to Iranian culture. With performances, films and a celebration of the New Year. From 12-03-'08 until 16-03-'08 at Mediamatic, as...
More Dating
The exhibition series Gastarbeiding Dating was accompanied by the launch of Mediamatic Dating, a free online dating service for gastarbeiders and everyone else.