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Dirk van Weelden and Mediamatic formulated 16 questions based on the ideas of Spinoza. Choose a question that compels you to participate in the discussion.

Van der Laan en Spinoza - Studenten met sandwichborden delen flyers uit in Kocaeli.
Freedom of speech, who benefits from that?
Spinoza was one of the first philosophers, in the 17th Century, to consider society as one would consider nature: as a network of causes and effects. Also with matters we regard as ‘good’, the...
Where can I find the rules for creating new rules?
Spinoza’s most important contribution to modern democracy is this radical idea: he views the state and the political system as a profoundly human practice, for which there is no divine or scientific...
If you don’t recognize yourself in a law, are you…
In an ideal democracy the best way to serve the public interest as viewed by the majority, without violating the rights of minorities, is through laws. In practice this seldom works. Even the...
Are all opinions equally good?
Now that everyone can publish their opinions 24/7 from their mobile phones, it may seem as though democracy entails that all opinions are equal. But the opinion of the cabinet isn't counterbalanced...
Do those who demand respect call for equal rights?
Strictly speaking, respect always means the honoring of equal rights, but by respect people usually mean a certain esteem or even admiration they would like to receive from others. The question is:...
Which ideas are so dangerous they should be kept…
This is a question that occupied Spinoza’s thoughts on a daily basis. He was convinced that he and his friends were not safe and had to fear for their lives if his writings would be published under...
What do you think God is doing right now?
Many people tend to forget that they unquestioningly imagine God as a person. One who reigns over the entire universe. To Spinoza there’s only one reality, in which all matter and God coincide.
When you start thinking you truly become…
Many people hate insecurity and doubt. They think fixed values and invariable rules are a guarantee to happiness. Spinoza is a philosopher whose image of human weakness and foolishness is without...
Why do you do as you're told?
We resolutely obey the law and comply with other people's expectations and requests - at least some of the time. But isn't this primarily a matter of self-interest? If everyone is obedient the world...
Should power be based on more than on violence?
Spinoza thinks people acknowledge the authority of the state for two reasons: out of fear and self-interest. As long as the rules and institutions of the state give most people a feeling of safety...
Why is cannibalism bad?
On average people will invoke something like the holiness of the human or a decree of a divine nature. But Spinoza would say that in such cases science has to supply the answer. We now know...
When does the state become the enemy of the…
The authority of kings, dictators and the state is traditionally based on God, or one or the other historical necessity or idea. Spinoza unmasks them all: only fear and self-interest can keep a...
Is it wrong to get sentenced to prison for…
A question reminding us, that laws are invented to serve the common good by setting rules and creating punishment, for safety as well as meeting a sense of justice. But also reminding us, that it’s...
Where do all the freely stated opinions go?
Or: who claims what against who? Against a crowd of cabaret fans, you don’t have to underpin your claims with arguments, but under oath in front of a judge you’ll have to. There are many opinions...
Do minorities serve a purpose, or are they merely…
Spinoza’s idea that there’s only one reality, suggests that no phenomenon is more real than the next. Everything is equally real, so all opinions are worth investigating and trying to understand.
Why is it a crime to kick a dog, but not to eat a…
People take for granted using all plants and animals as they wish. Based on which arguments do some limit themselves in that respect? Cows are holy in India, we reject the eating of cats and dogs