The UK news channel BBC made a video of the Serres.
Courtesy of BBC News. Recorded during a test run of the Serres at the 12th of May.
India Today highlighted our restaurant.
We did an interview over the phone with CNN Live.
Now This made a video of the Serres Séparées.
Amsterdam news channel At5 also came to film and interview us.
We appeared on several French channels like France 24.
Other sources that covered us include CNBC, CGTN China (with video), Euronews (with video), Reuters (with video), Deutsche Welle (video only) ARD (video)
Written Press
Many dutch sources featured us, but we also have been mentioned in newspapers and blogs from all over the world. Here we featured some of the articles.
Online design magazine Designboom featured us in an article
"Restaurant in Amsterdam Installs Greenhouses to Ensure Social Distancing"
Platform for design Dezeen wrote an article about it.
"Individual greenhouses let guests dine at a distance during pandemic"
Platform for architecture The Spaces featured us in an article about the future of dining.
"Could greenhouses, tents and pods be the new normal in post-lockdown dining?"
The Architectural Digest mentioned Mediamatic and the Serres in an article about re-opening public spaces in a creative way. "How These Public Spaces Are Safely Reopening in Creative Ways"
Dutch newspaper Het Parool wrote a review.
"Ongestoord dineren in een privé kas aan het water:'een mooie ervaring'"
German newspaper NRZ covered the story too.
"Amsterdamer Restaurant will in Gewächshaus servieren"
The Mexican magazine The Gentleman wrote about us too.
"Restaurantes 'invernadero' en tiempos de Coronavirus"
We also got featured in The Japan Food Journal! The Serres Séparées in the Japanese Food Journal, August 2020 -
Interview in Arab News
'Serres Séparées' dining concept delights foodies at Dubai Design Week'
More articles
HP De Tijd (Dutch): Hopelijk krijgen we wereldwijd navolging
The Insider (English): A restaurant in Amsterdam built........while social distancing"
Arch Daily (English): Serres Séparées Proposes a Socially-Distant Dining Experience in Amsterdam
Archi Panic (English): 'Serres Separées' distanced greenhouses.... during the pandemic
Fast Company (English): 'The future of fine dining? An exclusive biodome for you and your date'
Veg News (English): 'Amsterdam Restaurant to serve four course vegan meals inside individual greenhouses to enforce social distancing'
Covid Innovation (English):Plant based restaurant mediamatic eten in amsterdam- aunches quarantine greenhouses for covid safe dining
Estilo Propio (Spanish): Mediamatic ETEN Encontró el Lado Romántico a la Pandemia
If you want to see an article or video in a different language, it is probably written. E-mail to pers@mediamatic for more information.