Ahmed Kamel

Family portraits of Noord

As in other cities Ahmed Kamel visited the people of Noord in their own houses.


'Portraits of Noord' by Ahmed Kamel - Ahmed Kamel has made portraits in cities, for example Berlin and Istanbul. In Noord he also met people at their homes, and photographed them in their own surroundings. Robert Keil

Ahmed Kamel has made portraits in Berlin, Istanbul and other cities. In Noord he did the same: he photographed families in Noord in their most intimate setting: their living room. The families themselves decided where and how. Kamel tried to withhold himself from expressing his preferences. It was striking how many pets entered the photographs. During his stay in Noord he was interviewed about his fascination about the image people claim about themselves.
Kamel selected the best pictures and showed them without any other explanation.
Other work of Kamel on the exhibition was 'Mosques'. More of him is to admire on Kamel's website.