Bartaku's project fused cooking and solar tech. It consist of experimentations on the transformation of light energy into electric energy with food. Often photovoltaic-tech is compared with the plant leaf's capacity of harvesting the Sun's energy. But there is only one type of PV-cell that mimics significantly the natural process of photosynthesis: the natural Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (nDSC). It is made of the dyes of anthocyanin or carotenoid-rich fruits like berries, currants, black beans etc., some titanium-dioxide (cf. white paint, toothpaste) some graphite or carbon and an electrolyte, all sandwiched between two tiny conductive (tin-oxide) glass plates. Unsurprisingly the plants that produce the energetic nDSC-dyes are very popular amongst the bees.
Photoelectric bites
Temporary photoElectric Digestopians Worklab Series
Edible Solarcells