Kevin Jerome Everson

Photographer, moviemaker

"Recently I have been responding to the performance of peoples of African descent in old film footage as if it were theater. Either by reenacting the films or just using the footage, I am attempting to create an archive of these performances".

"My films and artwork are about responding to daily materials, conditions, tasks and gestures of people of African descent. These materials, systems, tasks and gestures are repositioned through a variety of mediums such as photography, film, sculpture, artist books and paintings. The results usually have a formal reference to art history and resemble objects or images seen in working class culture. This strategy invites the work to be interpreted by a variety of communities. Over the past ten years I have completed two feature films and over twenty-five short 16mm, 35mm and digital films about the working class culture of Black Americans and other people of African descent."

- kevin jerome everson

Contact informatie

  • Kevin Jerome Everson