Avital Ronell

Feminist Philosopher


Avital Ronell - source: bartnagel.com

Avital Ronell is a professor of philosophy in New York currently chair of the Department of Germanic Languages and Literature and teaches German and comparative literature and theory – in addition to her yearly Fall semester seminar with Derrida.

She continues to churn out a breathtaking range of deconstructive rereadings of everything from technology, the Gulf War, and AIDS, to opera, addiction, and stupidity.

Avital Ronell's oeuvre is informed and facilitated by a wide range of (post) philosophers but when it comes down to it, as Eduardo Cadava observes, 'Ronell's work remains absolutely different.'

From her first book, Dictations, through her latest one, Stupidity, Ronell calls the established questions into question, zooming in on whatever 'withdraws from immediate promises of transparency or meaning' and/or tracking what she calls the 'rhetorical unconscious of a text" ("Confessions" 249). A hybrid of high theory and street talk, Ronell's texts are remarkable both for what they say and for the extraordinary way in which they say it.

Another striking aspect of Ronell’s work is its attentiveness to the materiality of language – that is, to the sound, shape, size, beat or rhythm, etc. of the words themselves.

source: egs.edu

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  • Avital Ronell