V I D E Summer Design Experience 2011

Call for participants for the V I D E Summer Design Experience 2011 Typedesign and Typography workshops

15 aug 2011
28 aug 2011

The international experience will inform the participants about type design and typography and about Dutch design in general.

The V I D E Summer Design Experience 2011 (15.08 until 28.08) will be prepared with the greatest care and will be guided by Donald Roos, graphic- and type designer from Amsterdam in cooperation with his colleague Jacques Le Bailly. They both studied graphic design at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Donald teached at art academies in Rotterdam, The Hague and Tilburg and Jacques teached at the art academy in Rotterdam and was recently lecturer in Breda.

Several designers are invited to give short workshops and presentations during the VIDE Summer Design Experiences 2011. Also city-design-trips will be part of the two weeks Experience.


VIDE_SummerExperience11_flyer_0.51 - Jacques Le Bailly, Donald Roos


First week: 15.08 until 21.08

Monday 15 August
– Welcome to all the participants at The VIDE' Workshop in The Hague
– Typographic walk through the city center of The Hague
– Presentation of a invited type designer/typographer
– Evening movie program (type, type, type!)

Tuesday 16 August
– Trip to Amsterdam: Visiting several design studios
– Amsterdam Evening Program

Wednesday 17 August
– Type workshop in cooperation with a visiting type designer
– Evening program

Thursday 18 August
– Trip to Rotterdam: Visiting several design studios
– Rotterdam Evening Program

Friday 19 August
– Typography workshop and presentation

Saturday 20 August

Sunday 21 August
Free program

Second week: 22.08 until 28-08
Monday 22 August
– Workshop and presentation by a visiting type designer
– Evening programme offered by a The Hague design studio

Tuesday 23 August
– Visiting The Hague
– Visiting several design studios and the Municipal Museum
– Cultural evening program

Wednesday 24 August
– Presentation by several type designers
– Type & Typography related talks and discussions
– Information about the Type&Media course at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague
– Diner with several invited designers

Thursday 25 August
– Continuation of the Monday workshop
– Free night

Friday 26 August
– Free morning program
– Trip to Delft: Visiting design studios
– Reception in The Hague

Saturday 27 August
– Special Program
– Debriefing

Sunday 28 August
– Farwell program: presentation of the Experience assignments
– Party with invited friends of VIDE and designers which were involved during this Experience

An option is a third week (as from 29.08 until 03.09) with a visit to Berlin, Germany. The extra costs are 900 euro. The trip to Berlin by train and the hotel costs in Berlin are included.

The fee of this 2 weeks Summer Design Experience will be 1.800 euro's. The fee includes hotel costs in The Hague throughout the Experience period, travelling expenses, the famous VIDE lunch, coffee, tea and soft drinks provided in the VIDE Workshop, as well as the Experience reader.


  • 5% (90 euro!) if you bring your own laptop
  • 5% if you are part of a group of at least 3 participants
  • 5% if you register before 1 June 2011

There is a special fee for participants from developing countries.

If you want to register, please send an email to info@viavide.com!

The VIDE Workshop in the city center of The Hague, Holland, is the home of VIDE, Visual & Individual Design Experiences. VIDE organises all kind of activities in visual communication: workshops, exhibitions, debates, researches, etc. The Workshop is located near the trainstations The Hague Holland Spoor and Station The Hague Central.

For more information, you can call or mail The VIDE Workshop (Anno Fekkes):
(+31) 651 525 046

Anno Fekkes
Founder and owner of VIDE and The VIDE Workshop, worked 24 years as a lecturer at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague and at the Fontys Academy of Fine Art and Education in Tilburg. As from 1994 until 2005 he was head of the department Graphic and Typographic Design/Visual Communication in The Hague. He was organiser of the international 1996 ATypI conference. Together with Jan Willem Stas he was responsible for the success of the international orientated master course Type&Media. As from 2006 Anno established a new curriculum for the department Visual Communication in Tilburg. As coordinator at the Fontys Academy of Fine Arts and Education, Anno was awarded with the HBO Innovation Prize 2009.

Donald Roos
Donald Roos (Haarlem, the Netherlands, 1978) studied Graphic & Typographic Design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague. After graduation, he went on to study Culture & Media for a couple years at the University of Amsterdam. He worked as a designer at design studio Buro Petr van Blokland and he freelanced for several studios in Amsterdam.
In 2008, he started up his own studio Bureau.Donald, based in Amsterdam. Donald’s work varies from visual and interactive designs for complex websites to animations for music videos. His passion for letters and typography always shines through in his design work.
As a typographic entrepreneur, he also initiates his own projects: he runs an alternative font foundry called VetteLetters, he devised the typography portal Typebase.com and, with his brother Benz (a lighting designer) he has a blog called RoosBros. He also co-founded Triqle, a software company which developes a tool for digital program information.
Donald has been a teacher with several academies; the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam College and Fontys College. He currently teaches font design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague. He teaches workshops in the area of font design and design for digital media at VIDE.

Jacques Le Bailly
Jacques Le Bailly (Thionville, France, 1975 ) studied Graphic & Typographic Design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague. During and after his study he was a freelance typedesigner for Linotype Library, working on several projects like Syntax Next and the implementation and design of the eurosign in more than 300 fonts. After graduation in 1999, he lived four years in Berlin (Germany), working as a graphic designer and freelance typedesigner.
In 2003, he moved back to the Netherlands, were he worked for The Enschedé Type Foundry as typedesigner and for several design agencies as (senior) graphic designer. He continued doing freelance projects allongside for several different type libraries.
At the end of 2009, he started his studio Baron von Fonthausen in The Hague. His hunger for type and typography is leading in all his design work, which varies from bookmaking and corporate design to typedesign and (illustrative) handlettering. This also includes problem solving and context oriented alterations to fonts.
His first published commercial typeface (NeueSardines, the largest monospace and monoheight font familyof the world) was issued by VetteLetters type foundry and at the moment he is working on two large font families, which will be issued by Bold monday type foundry. He is a very meticulous designer.
Jacques has been a typography teacher at two art academies for several years; the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam and the Sint Joost Art Academy, Den Bosch.