AACC Sevilla 2012

Collective Architectures & Participatory City-Building

5 dec 2012
8 dec 2012

AACC brings together collectives and individuals working on prototypes for collective urban action and organisation.

At their annual meeting, held in Sevilla between 5-8 December 2012, they share their active experiences of collective and participatory city-building.

The meeting will develop three main themes, each taking up one day, with the final day reserved for reflection and concluding comments, as well as openming up the debate about the existing AACC network.

Each day is structured by a route through Sevilla - active visualizations in the morning, and exhibition and exchange on a symbolic site in the afternoon.

Each day also relates to the 4 main axes that AACC considers vital to urban management, and around which all interventions and proposals are structured. The four axes are: legal tools, community management, economic support economic and technological and constructive tools.

If you'd like to take part in the meeting, please sign up here: individuals, collectives

NOTE: The meeting is held in Spanish.