A collection of articles, HowTos and existing software to retrieve data, perform multiple changes at once (eg. batch upload pictures and attach them to your profile), automate changes (fi. RFID triggered) and related musings about the Anymeta Community Management System.

Interfacing RFID
A quickstart for using Mediamatic's RFID readers
At Mediamatic, two different kind of high-frequency USB-based RFID readers are in use. While it is perfectly possible to write your own interfacing software for communication, Mediamatic already has...
Programmer's tutorial Arjan Scherpenisse
Interfacing to AnyMeta from Python
The most recent hackers camp exposed many eager hackers to the AnyMeta API. However, the existing documentation and tools were not up-to-date and so, during the camp, a new way of interfacing AnyMeta...
AnyMeta concepts Robin Gareus, Arjan Scherpenisse
Interfacing to Anymeta
custom applications vs. webbrowsers
Historically, online communities were formed using dedicated communication protocols which required specific client software. With the web evolving, web-browsers can fully emulate this...
RFID in Processing
An open source RFID library
The Hybrid Toys workshop of January 2008 gave its participants the opportunity to experiment with the possibilities of RFID. However, some of the participants, the author being one of them, were...
the swiss army knife of anyMeta
anyIdentity a collection of QT4 C++ classes to access anyMeta. It's a muliPlatform chameleon that can be used non-interactively on the commandline or display an interactive graphical user interface.
Software Arjan Scherpenisse
IkTag Registration Desk
Next-generation software for IkTag management and account creation
As the result of the second Mediamatic Night Lab , An opensource, cross-platform program dubbed the Registration Desk was created. This program is intended as a replacement for the trusty anyIdentity...