Rafi Haladjian

Co-Founder and Chairman VIOLET

Rafi Haladjian is the founder of Ozone founder and co-founder of Violet.

Having pioneered French telematics (Minitel) as early as 1983, Rafi Haladjian went on to found FranceNet , France's very first ISP, in June 1994. His intuition at the time was that the Internet, a highly confidential network in those days, was “history in the making”. FranceNet became Fluxus in 2000, and was sold to British Telecom in 2001. After heading one of the Internet's major French players for over nine years, Rafi Haladjian founded Ozone and Violet, another step forward in the great connectivity adventure he has been a part of for twenty years.

Rafi blogs at www.rafi.com/ (in french)


Contact informatie

  • Rafi Haladjian