Aleesa Cohene


Portrait Aleesa Cohene - Alexander Coggin

Aleesa Cohene’s work with video, sculpture, and scent reconfigures and reframes cinematic material to investigate the clichés, codes, and stereotypes that make up dominant cultural narratives.

Her work has been exhibited in festivals and galleries internationally, with recent solo exhibitions at Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography (Toronto), Gallery Suvi Lehtinen (Berlin), Glasmoog Gallery (Cologne), and Reykjavik Photography Museum. She holds a Masters of Visual Studies from the University of Toronto and completed a fellowship at the Kunsthochschule für Medien (Cologne) under German experimental filmmaker Matthias Müller. She has participated in artist residencies in Canada, Denmark, and the Netherlands, and has won grants and prizes in Canada and Europe. Her work is part of the permanent collection of Oakville Galleries and numerous private collections. 

Contact informatie

  • Aleesa Cohene