Abigail Larasati Setiadi

Isabella Rossellini's Green Porno

Isabella Rossellini's Green Porno exhibited in Nature's Toolbox: Biodiversity, Art, and InventionNature's Toolbox is an exhibition exploring the wonders of biodiversity. The exhibition perceives science as means to conveys facts and the quantification of the health of the planet, and art as a medium to tell stories and visualize our complex relationship to the natural world.


Isabella Rossellini's Green Porno: Duck - Bio.diversifest Inspiration Project A series of short films commissioned by the Sundance Channel beginning in 2007 and still ongoing. Co-directed by Jody Shapiro and Isabella Rosellini. Photographs were published in the Harper Collins book: Green Porno Photographs taken by Jody Shapiro Jody Shapiro, Isabella Rossellini

Historically, the art of storytelling has had a powerful impact on human civilization. The stories exhibited within "Nature's Toolbox" demonstrates that humans are an essential key player within biodiversity and are seen not only as salvation to nature but to humanity itself.

The Green Porno series, targeted at adults, is a series of one-minute short films featuring Isabella Rossellini's narration of animals communicating, reproducing, and having sex while using a costume of the animal itself. Rosselini begins each short film by describing her (animal costume) body, eyes, length, dominant or unusual features, and sexual organs. Although the series is intended for adults, the production of the avant-garde sets and costumes, use of color paper and cloth conveys the impression that even children could create these creatures. As seasons progressed Green Porno has become more educated and environmentally orientated through their incorporation of documentary footage and commentaries from conservationist and marine biologist Claudio Campagna. Green Porno can be concluded to question the parameters between self and other, male and female, homosexuality and heterosexuality, animal and human, while also giving the audience laughter and communicating true scientific information.