Anna Lina Litz

Pecha Kucha

an event to get to know new colleagues!

The pecha kucha event is a fun way to get to know each other a bit better. 

Pecha Kucha is a presentation style during which the presenter only has a limited time to talk about each of their slides, before it automatically moves on to the next. 

For this event, all colleagues are asked to prepare a presentation about themselves of 5 slides, 15-20 seconds per slide, during which they introduce themselves, their background and interests. This can be as serious or playful as they choose! 



HaeckelRoomViewblackwall -

Time plan for organising the event 


This event has a lot in common with the Blogger Barcamp, so also check the Blogger Barcamp knowledge page for a more complete guide. 

Week before 

  • email invitation to everyone (what where when), including the whole team + the restaurant team
  • email to the presenters with what they need to prepare
    • both interns and managers should prepare presentations!
    • presentations should be 5 slides, 15/20 seconds each
    • sent the slides by (date, probably the day of the event by a certain time)
  • email restaurant managers with the drinks and snacks you will need from them 
  • set up event in Stager —> make sure the Haeckel kamer is available on your selected date
  • email to presenters: order of presentations, info about optional run-through

On the day

  • set up the Haeckel room
    • take a picture of how it was before so you know how to leave it the next day

    • prepare some decorations: candles, plants from the greenhouse in little vases :)

    • remove big tables

    • set up chairs and tables for the drinks and snacks (chairs in rows, tables at the back)

    • AV prep: take down the white screen, turn on the projector (remote doesn’t work, use a long stick thingy), close the black curtain. Connect projector cable to laptop (picture of projector cable). Get a microphone (with cable), and plug it in (picture of where to plug in microphone). Get a stand (small, to put on the table) for the microphone.

    • Make sure the table with the laptop is set up so that presenters can face their presentation on the laptop and the audience at the same time (so that they don’t turn around to look at the white screen)

    • collect everybody’s slides in a folder on your laptop, make sure to implement automatic changing of slides after 15/20s for all the presentations

    • be in the room during the time set for the optional run-through

After the event 

  • you don’t have to clean up everything on the same evening (unless there is another event scheduled for the next morning), but make sure that there are no glasses on the floor and turn off all the AV equipment you used and put the microphone back where you found it.
  • The next morning, rearrange the Haeckel room so that you leave it the way it was before the event
  • yay, you did it!