Isabelle Kappetein

Diversity and Inclusivity Specialist at Miro


Isabelle Kappetein -

Miro is a company that helps enabling people anywhere around the world connecting, collaborating and creating the next big thing. 
Having studied psychology in combination with a curiosity about the human mind and how we find our place in the world, the passion to help people to be their authentic self has always been there.
Having received the diagnosis of autism five years ago, it turned this passion into a purpose - acting as a voice for people to implement more accessible products and ways of working to enable everyone to become part of the next big thing. 
With her background in Psychology, she uses scientific research and data to implement initiatives in- and outside of work to influence the world and become more aware and accepting of all sorts of diversity you can find. 

Isabelle Kappetein -

Contact informatie

  • Isabelle Kappetein