Video: Lynn (she/they) Clemens

@delirious.tats Stick and Poke tattoo

Stick and Pokes is a form of tattooing, different to tattoos made with gun. They are also called hand poke tattoo, because the artist holds one single needle that they put into the skin, dot by dot. Thus, generally this form of tattooing necessitates more layers as the hand is slower than the machine that shoots dots at a rate faster than what the eye can see. Door: Lynn (she/they) Clemens

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Stick and Pokes is a form of tattooing, different to tattoos made with gun. They are also called hand poke tattoo, because the artist holds one single needle that they put into the skin, dot by dot. Thus, generally this form of tattooing necessitates more layers as the hand is slower than the machine that shoots dots at a rate faster than what the eye can see.