In a series of workshops Mediamatic explored electro-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is touched and clothing that moves when it is cold. Participants brought their own garments to technify!

Showing off a touch sensitive t-shirt. - At the Touch Sensitive Clothing Workshop at Mediamatic.
Workshop: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Sound Clothing
13jun 200913jun 2009Click here for a full report of the Electro Clothing workshops. In a series of workshops Mediamatic explored electro-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is...
Workshop: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Sound Clothing
15jun 200915jun 2009Click here for a full report of the Electro Clothing workshops. In a series of workshops Mediamatic explored electro-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is...
Workshop: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS Deborah M. Kōdō
Light, sound and touch clothing in the making...
16jun 200916jun 2009We were very happy and pleased that we had Nadya Peek in Amsterdam to guide the electro-clothing workshops. The first workshop kicked-off on Saturday June 13. In every workshop I've noticed it's...
Workshop: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Touch Sensitive Clothing
17jun 200917jun 2009Click here for a full report of the Electro Clothing workshops. In a series of workshops Mediamatic explored electro-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is...
Presentation: Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
Electro clothing and Dynamic Maps
17jun 2009Nadya Peek showed how sexy weekend hacks turn into long term participatory design, and Jeffrey Warren talked about user generated mapping of urban wildlife, disaster regions and pollution levels.
“Ik denk niet dat de wereld zit te wachten op…
Interview met Nadya Peek
Deze maand geeft Nadya Peek een aantal workshops bij Mediamatic over wearable technology, oftewel technologie die wordt verwerkt in kleding. Deelnemers gaan aan de slag met hun eigen kledingstuk, dat...