René Glas

Digital games and culture researcher

René Glas currently works at the department of mediastudies as a PhD student and lecturer. His research is part of Transformations in Perception and Participation: Digital Games funded by the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research (NWO). He is associated with the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA) at the Faculty of Humanities.

Glas’ PhD research focuses on the practice of transformative play and its relation to rules and structures embedded in digital game design. The main case study of his work is World of Warcraft, the popular 'massive multi-player online role-playing game' or MMORPG. Other areas of interest are the relation between film and games (the infamous ‘interactive film’), computer game history, participatory game culture and alternative pop culture.

Glas is also working as a freelance media critic for various magazines.

Contact informatie

  • René Glas