Paulien Dresscher
filmmaker, media researcher, producer

Paulien Dresscher is head of the new media department of Cinekid, a festival for kids during autumn break in Amsterdam, which contains one of the biggest medialabs in Europe. This experimental garden consists of over thirty five installations, workshops, and games. Paulien Dresscher, educated as a filmmaker and media artist at the Minerva Academy in Groningen, gained her MA in New Media and Digital culture at the University of Amsterdam in 2007. Since 1994 she is working in the field of media research & development and is teaching at the University of Amsterdam at Mediastudies department. Since september 2009 she is affiliated as E-culture adviser at the Nederlands Fonds voor de Film. Paulien Dresscher is living with her husband and daughter on a sailing ship in the center of Amsterdam.
Contact informatie
- Paulien Dresscher