Guus Baggermans

Product designer with a special interest in living technology.

Guus Baggermans has always been fascinated by how things work. After frustrating his parents for many years by taking everything in the house apart, Guus tried his luck at university. He recently obtained his Masters Degree in Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology. During his studies Guus has been engaged in several extra-curricular activities. He started an inspirational blog and runs his own creative company.

Guus Baggermans loves to work with mechanics, electronics and software to create engaging products. The project he is most proud of is his Master’s graduation project, in which he redesigned the vending machine. In his opinion vending machines are one of the many asocial machines that people are faced with on a regular basis. Guus’ design brings the soda cans to life and makes them part of the interaction with the machine. To prove the concept, Guus created a full scale working prototype, so that people can experience the design.

In the future Guus wants to keep pushing the envelope. He wants to design products that start a dialogue with the user. Why should we have to read a manual when we already know how to operate so many things? Guus wants products to have more lifelike qualities so that people can act without thinking. He sees himself working with people who want to innovate instead of improve. Bring sci-fi to life!

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  • Guus Baggermans