Lina Toukan

Founder/Director of Lines Contemporary Art Gallery, Amman, Jordan

Hi! I am a fan of the book "Typographic Matchmaking" and the proud owner of some of the fonts produced by this brilliant Dutch-Arab collaborative effort. Hope to see more initiatives of this sort in the future.

I am also the Founder/Director of a contemporary art gallery in Amman called "Lines". We exhibit artworks by serious Jordanian and international artists. If you are in the area, feel free to drop by.

Earlier this year (2007), we had a successful exhibition of paintings by Jordanian artist Farouk Lambaz which might be of interest to the members of this group. I include some photos of his work. According to the critics, the artist "raises calligraphy to the rank of fine art".

Another exhibit we held recently might also be of interest, as it is an example of Dutch-Arab cooperation: “Makhtuta” (Manuscript) by Iraqi-born Dutch visual artist Nedim Kufi, featured in the Jan-Feb 2008 issue of Canvas Magazine.

One of our objectives is to further cross-cultural exchange in the art field and we would be interested in hosting workshops by visiting artists.

Contact informatie

  • Lina Toukan