Jane Johannes

Creating opportunities for positive change in people’s lives through film, music and new media.

After primary school Jane Johannes chose to go to a high school that had a lot to offer in terms of creativity. Dancing, singing, theatre and creating art where her favourite activities during and after class. A big interest in film grew when she started studying social work. Being able to combine her passions with social goals made her switch to study Cultural and Social Enterprise at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam.

Jane Johannes travelled to the other side of the world to explore the social aspect of filmmaking. As an intern at Cinewest in Sydney, Australia she learned how filmmaking could create positive changes in people’s lives. She worked on her own film project about health and drugs in an international team during the International Youth Media Summit of 2007, organised by Cinewest. Exploring media, culture and education, Jane developed workshops for Cinekid film festival for children to teach children different aspects of media and film in the context of media literacy.

At the MediaLab Jane developed an interactive documentary together with Vera Klandermans. Just Another Nationality explored the 177 nationalities of Amsterdam and their stories. It made her even more enthusiastic about new and innovative ways of communication and storytelling. She feels privileged being able to give people a voice and to give words a visual context by doing what she loves most: filming, photographing, editing and creating art.

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  • Jane Johannes