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Bezoeker bekijkt het Kabul Paviljoen

Het Kabul Paviljoen is gecureerd door Robert Kluijver. Onderdeel van de Amsterdam Biennale die van oktober 2009 tot januari 2010 plaatsvond bij Mediamatic Bank, Amsterdam. The Kabul Pavilion, curator: Robert Kluijver. Oct 17 - Jan 3 2009/10, in the Amsterdam Biennale at Mediamatic. Oct 09 - Jan 10: Mediamatic invited thirty-seven curators from all over the world to represent their city during the Amsterdam Biennale. In October 2009 the Biennale opened its first pavilion, and continued to open more each week until December. Visitors could travel from St. Petersburg to Bogota and across the ocean to Seoul in less than an hour. Drinks replaced jet lag and airport waiting queues. The Biennale was part of Mediamatic Travel, a do-it-yourself travel network of local experts in over fifty countries.
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